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Modularity & Scalability
A whole new class of gaming...

Karma™ is extremely modular, even to the point of supporting Multi-Wheel solutions. It can accommodate up to 224 gaming positions with up to 8 roulette wheels.

Players can bet on several wheels simultaneously, keeping on top of the game through a video stream directly on their desktop. Karma’s modularity gives the operator the freedom to optimize the size of the automated roulette by acquiring additional gaming modules and roulette wheels as the need arises. At any time the operator can also change the composition according to their needs with minimum costs and downtime.

Double Wheel Roulettes

SpinTec offers a unique and exciting double wheel machine that players just love. Not only is it beautiful, it also offers the player the opportunity to play on both wheels at the same time. Essentially, your revenue stream can be doubled if the player decides to play both wheels simultaneously.

This double wheel roulette is easy to play, encouraging the player to participate. The player can easily switch between the first and second wheels that are color coded to match the screens. All play controls are on one easy to understand panel and dswitching between wheels is a one-button operation.